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50 ways to find a daily moment of relaxation


We’re all regularly reminded of the importance of wellness but when it becomes another item on your long and overwhelming to-do list, it doesn’t feel very zen anymore and it can even make you feel more stressed or worried. That’s why today’s blogpost is all about daily moments that represent a little calm amid the storm.

Below, I’ve pulled together a list of 50 suggestions of ways to find moments of calm and relaxation each and every day but I’ve only included things that are free (or cheap) to do and that don’t require a lot of planning or free time to make it as easy as possible for you to try them out.

  1. Sign up for a library card and check out some books

  2. Listen to a song that makes you think of summer

  3. Have a proper cup of coffee/tea/hot chocolate while sitting down at the table or out in the garden while having a biscuit and reading a magazine or listening to a podcast

  4. Catch-up with an old friend (you can also do this by phone)

  5. Go forest-bathing in your own backyard or in a nearby park or forest

  6. Try a 10 minute yoga or tai chi routine

  7. Listen to an audio book

  8. Wander around in a museum

  9. Complete a jigsaw puzzle

  10. Take a long shower and use your favorite scented shower gel

  11. Write a poem about the view out of your window

  12. Try a new kind of tea and savour the flavor

  13. Re-read a book of your childhood

  14. Experience the power of your senses with aromatherapy

  15. Pick a new recipe from a cookbook and give it a go

  16. Listen to a comedy podcast

  17. Learn some self-massage techniques

  18. Try a guided meditation

  19. Make a playlist of your personal feel good songs

  20. Go for a swim

  21. Make a vision board of your future goals

  22. Follow a breathing exercise

  23. Put your phone on “do not disturb”

  24. Rearrange a small section of your home

  25. Create a new skincare routine

  26. Write a list of the things that bring you joy

  27. Take care of your nails and hands

  28. Go for a walk near a lake

  29. Make your favorite childhood dinner

  30. Have an indoor picnic

  31. Start a new craft you’ve always wanted to try

  32. Use visualization techniques

  33. Visit a beach

  34. Listen to some nature sounds

  35. Watch a feel-good movie

  36. Make a blanket fort and camp out in it

  37. Play a boardgame with friends/family

  38. Take a 20 minute nap

  39. Give yourself a manicure

  40. Print off your photos and create an album

  41. Write down calming affirmations to repeat

  42. Try cloud watching

  43. Reduce your screen time

  44. Spend time with a pet

  45. Write down 10 things you’re grateful for

  46. Listen to classical music

  47. Start a scrapbook

  48. Try a knitting project

  49. Have an at-home spa day

  50. Spend 10 minutes taking in direct sunlight

What is your favorite way to find calm and relaxation?


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