When you Google “how to find purpose and meaning” your screen gets flooded with billions of results. Which is not so surprising because humans have been searching for purpose and meaning since the beginning of consciousness. Some of us have already figured out why we’re here on this planet at this particular time but if you’re still unsure how to answer questions like “what is my purpose in life?”, “why am I here on earth?” or “how can I find my path?” then today’s blogpost is definitely worth reading.
Your soul’s purpose
Your soul’s purpose is the reason you are here. It’s the mission you gave yourself as a soul for this life on earth. It’s a unique blueprint of what you are here to do. Some people know their soul’s purpose early on in life while others wake up to their calling after a life-changing or traumatic experience but for most people it’s an investigative journey or scavenger hunt that takes time and a lot of experimenting.
Do I really need to know my soul’s purpose?
Yes! The transforming effect of a deep sense of purpose on our lives and work has been researched for decades and guess what… People are more content, more satisfied and more engaged in their work plus they live an average of 7 years longer when they live in alignment with their purpose.
Living your purpose is also the ultimate form of self-love. When you say yes to your higher calling, everything you’ve been looking for will manifest itself naturally. The fulfillment, happiness, abundance, clarity, confidence, worthiness and peace you’ve been yearning for will arise effortlessly because you’re living in harmony with your truth. There is no more striving: you simply are you.
Some tips to help you identify and reconnect with your soul’s purpose
We live in a world that doesn’t teach us how to understand our inner world, how to connect with the Universe or how to listen to the whispering of our soul. Luckily there are some things you can do yourself to truly connect with and discover your inner purpose:
Look for things that bring you joy: one of the easiest ways to find your soul’s purpose is to find the things that fill you with an abundance of joy. It’s in those joyful and passionate moments that your soul comes to the forefront and reveals its purpose. For example, ask yourself questions like “when do I feel joyful?”, “what part of my day is joyful?” or “what brought me joy as a child?”.
Listen to your intuition: intuition is the language of the soul. It could be a gut feeling like a sensation in your stomach, a sudden ringing in your ears or the hair on your arms or neck that suddenly stands up but intuition can also come in the form of a fleeting thought or hunch or even a recurrent thought you can’t push out of your mind. Pay close attention to notice what this subtle inner voice is telling you and don’t write it off as just a thought because it’s your soul speaking to you.
Recognize and accept the messages the Universe sends you: don’t blame someone or something for the challenges you’re facing. Accept that these experiences are happening to you and for you. Remember that every detour and every challenge in your life can be seen as clues to who you are and who you don’t want to be.
Learn to remember your dreams and start keeping a dream journal: the images, symbols, stories and experiences you have while you’re sleeping are all examples of your soul talking to you and offering you insights, lessons and guidance. For instance, a recurring dream is an example of your soul repeatedly trying to tell you something or highlighting certain areas of your life that require attention.
Practice self-awareness: take the time to explore painful memories, learn why you feel the way you do and forgive yourself.
Sometimes your soul tries to get your attention by using synchronicity and signs. For instance, you look at the clock and see 11:11 or 22:22. When that happens: notice what you’re doing or thinking because your soul is asking you to pay attention and take action. Or maybe you regularly see a specific animal? If that’s the case then you might want to look up the spiritual meaning of that animal to understand your soul’s message.
Start talking to yourself, your guides, God or whatever resonates with you. Take the time to listen and be patient if the answer doesn’t come immediately.
Let go of what no longer serves you on an emotional, physical or spiritual level: let go of the things, thoughts, activities and behaviors that don’t nurture or feed your soul’s purpose. For example, if you feel uncomfortable with someone, consider letting that person go. Your soul is giving you a message that maybe this individual is taking all the joy out of your life.
Change the way you enquire about your soul’s purpose or your soul’s calling: start asking yourself why you do what you do instead of what you should be doing. Replace “what” with “how” and “why”. Don’t just ask yourself what your soul’s purpose is: ask yourself how you can serve humanity.
Pay attention to the moments when you feel passionate or inspired: it’s highly likely that your soul is telling you to pursue that path or endeavor. The same goes for a sudden creative burst: that’s your soul pushing you toward that activity.
Ask yourself the following question and be completely honest in your answer: what would I do if I only had one more year to live?
What is your soul’s calling? Or to use the words of the poet Mary Oliver: tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one and precious life?