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Making manifestation work for you

“The only obstacle to achieving every dream we might have, is to simply focus very hard on it”: according to certain social media influencers manifestation is as simple as that. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. Simply wishing for a promotion, a new relationship, better health, a successful business or stronger friendships isn’t enough and pretending you’re a gorgeous, successful and deliriously happy human being by writing it down 100 times a day won’t make it real either. You have to consciously focus your energy on what you want to manifest. So no, manifestation doesn’t mean just sitting back and waiting for the universe to fulfil your wishes. You have to change your thought patterns and behavior and put in a bit of hard work as well to achieve your goals.

Attention, effort and action

Manifesting goes beyond magical or wishful thinking. It requires awareness, ownership, intention, mindset, effort and directed action. It’s a way to create your own roadmap to decipher and work towards what you really want in life, providing the framework of how to direct your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy to make your dreams a reality. Or simply put: manifestation is about creating a vision for the future, putting energy and intention into making that vision a reality and then aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions accordingly so that your vision can become your reality.

Why should I manifest?

When you focus on your goals, it’s easier to direct your actions towards achieving them. In other words: manifestation makes your actions intentional. You consciously consider what you want to achieve and you direct your actions accordingly.

Picturing yourself working towards something you really want (like a promotion, more financial security or meeting your perfect partner) can also help you cut through shame, overcome self-doubt and shift a scarcity mindset.

Best practices for manifesting your dreams

The first step in manifesting your dreams is all about creating clear goals. Having clear goals makes it easier to connect with them and visualize them. And in case self-limiting beliefs arise: reframe them and redirect your energy towards being optimistic and trusting you have the ability to achieve your goals. For example, instead of saying “I’m not good enough for a promotion” you can say “I’m working hard, I’m worthy of success and I will earn my promotion”. Relaxation techniques such as meditation and journaling can also effectively help you release these doubts. For example, a daily meditation practice will help you become more aware of your conditioned beliefs (including doubt, anxiety and fears) which block your abundance and this awareness can eventually lead to release. Meanwhile, journaling is an effective tool with which you can reflect on your patterns, identify what you would like to let go of and clarify what you would like to step into.

You’ll undoubtedly also encounter failures or setbacks while trying to achieve your goals but please try to maintain a positive mindset: accepting that you’ll have hurdles to overcome when achieving your personal and professional goals – and seeing these hurdles as learning opportunities instead of discouraging obstacles – can really help you shape the outcome of your manifestation process.

If you’re working on big goals such as getting a promotion or buying a house I also strongly advise you to try breaking the end goal into smaller objectives first. For example, if you want to earn a promotion, you can start by considering the qualifications and accomplishments necessary to earn these. Then you can use these to build a list of smaller objectives to manifest.

When you have a clear view of the things you want to achieve, it’s time to set an intention and begin to plant the seeds for what you would like to manifest. In this step you visualize and feel your desired creation as if it’s unfolding in a movie. Visualize the sense of accomplishment and thrill and attune to the feelings of joy and satisfaction that come with this vision. This kind of imagery leads to positive emotions and drive and compels you to forge new habits and behaviors to inch you closer to your sought-after goal. Some people (including myself) also make a vision board when manifesting to keep their manifestation goals front and center. Looking at it daily really helps me to maintain my focus and effort. But whether or not you make a vision board or simply stick to visualization: remember that consistency is key and make manifesting a daily ritual to keep the positive momentum going.

Another thing you need to remember is that action is also a necessary piece that can’t be taken out of the equation. The exact thing you desire won’t magically appear before you when you’ve made a vision board and write about it daily in your journal. Manifesting isn’t about getting: it’s about becoming. And yes, your intention is important but you need to take directed action as well. You are the conduit for making your aspirations happen. So don’t just sit back but lay out exactly how you’re going to reach your goals and start taking the necessary steps to reach them.

One more thing…

Keep in mind that there’s no exact right way to manifest. Your strategy can be whatever you want it to be as long as it consistently includes inner reflection to get clear on what you really want for your future and practical actions to help get you there. Also keep in mind that you won’t manifest your goals overnight. It takes time, effort and consistency but also patience and trust to manifest your goals into existence. Don’t cling to hopes and expectations. Instead, detach yourself from the outcome and trust that the process will unfold as it should.

Do you have any experience with manifesting your dreams and goals? I would love to hear your ideas and tips in the comments below!


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